Numbers – micro course is designed for beginners learning Icelandic.

The aim of this micro course is to enable students to understand and say numbers correctly when counting and handling different amounts and prices. It covers numbers that have different genders and other grammar aspects, in conjunction with the items being counted.

Numbers - micro course is included when purchasing On the Job Icelandic courses.


Course Structure and Materials


There are no requirements.

Level of Study - Placement Exam


Get your Icelandic studies off to a great start, or rejuvenate your studies and resolve with this micro course!

Click to buy Numbers - micro course now!

Price ISK 3,900*

Numbers - micro course

Count your way through Icelandic in no time!

€ 26.00 EUR


You may be entitled to a full or partial grant or reimbursement from your labour union (stéttarfélag) or work place to cover course fees. Contact your union for more information.

*PayPal doesn't allow for payments in Icelandic króna. Price in Euros is an approximate.

Kaupa námskeið

Meet your Teacher!

Anna Ólafsdóttir

Anna graduated with a B.Ed. from the University of Iceland's School of Education in 1988, majoring in Icelandic, and returned in 2016 to complete a diploma in Translation Studies. She has several years's experience teaching children as well working with teachers on eg. selecting and creating course material. For the last few years Anna has focused on teaching Icelandic for adults, working as a translator on the side.

Anna has worked in the development sector and has lived and traveled in nearly all continents. She speaks English, French and Spanish, as well as some of the Nordic languages, and has worked for many years as a guide around our beautiful Iceland.

Anna is LÓA Language School's resident teacher.